(To Approve the 2023 Proposed Budget)


The Budget Meeting of Villa Portofino West Association was held on Tuesday, December 27, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

A. Call to order: The budget meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. via the application Zoom and was conducted by the Association’s Attorney, Paul Arcia. The meeting was recorded.

B. Proof of Notice of Meeting: The association’s Attorney verified that the notice was sent by mail to all homeowners.

C. Reading of minutes or waiver of reading of minutes: All were in favor to waive the reading of last meeting’s minute.

D. Establishment of a Quorum of Directors: a quorum was established. Directors that were present:

  1. Valerie Isaac – President

  2. Laura Sotomayor – Vice-President

  3. Nadine Francis – Treasurer

  4. Cathy Diaz – Secretary: Absent

  5. Luis Caballero - Director

1. Consideration and Vote by the Board to Approve the Budget: The President of the Board, Valerie Isaac, passed a motion to consider and approve the 2022 Budget; the Vice-President of the Board, Laura Sotomayor, seconded the motion.

The Board members present approved the passing of the proposed budget.

2. Adjournment: At 7:43 pm a motion was made by Paul Arcia to adjourn the meeting, Valerie Isaac seconded. Motion approved unanimously.



(To Approve the 2022 Proposed Budget)


The Budget Meeting of Villa Portofino West Association was held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

  • A. Call to order: The budget meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm via the application

    Zoom and was conducted by the Association’s Attorney, Paul Arcia. The meeting was


  • B. Proof of Notice of Meeting: The association’s Attorney verified that the notice was sent

    by mail to all homeowners.

  • C. Reading of minutes or waiver of reading of minutes: All were in favor to waive the

    reading of last meeting’s minute.

  • D. Establishment of a Quorum of Directors: a quorum was established. All Directors were present:

  1. Valerie Isaac — President

  2. Luis Caballero — Vice-President

  3. Raciel Denis Perez — Treasurer

  4. Laura Sotomayor — Secretary

  5. Cathy Diaz - Director

    1. Consideration and Vote by the Board to Approve the Budget:

    The President of the Board, Valerie Isaac, passed a motion to consider and approve the

    2022 Budget: the Vice-President of the Board, Luis Caballero, seconded the motion.

    The five Board members present approved the passing of the proposed budget.

    2. Adjournment: At 7:17 pm, a motion was made by Paul Arcia to adjourn the meeting,

    Valerie Isaac seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES - November 30, 2022

The Annual Meeting of Villa Portofino West Association was held on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

1. Call to Order: The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:16 p.m. via Zoom and was conducted by the Association’s Attorney, Paul Arcia. The meeting was recorded.

2. Proof of Notice of Meeting: The association’s Attorney verified that the notice was sent by mail to all homeowners.

3. Establishment of a Quorum of Directors: a quorum was established. Directors present:

  1. Luis Caballero -Director

  2. Cathy Diaz - Director

  3. Valerie Isaac - Director

  4. Laura Sotomayor - Director

4. Election of the Board Directors: Five (5) candidates were nominated from the floor. Five (5) positions.

The nominated candidates were:

  1. Luis Caballero

  2. Cathy Diaz

  3. Valerie Isaac

  4. Nadine Francis

  5. Laura Sotomayor

A total of 63 proxies were counted and all of them were valid.

After the count of proxies, we continued to allow all the homeowners present to vote.

The final total count was as follows:

  1. Valerie Isaac – 66

  2. Laura Sotomayor – 66

  3. Cathy Diaz – 66

  4. Nadine Francis – 66

  5. Luis Caballero – 66

Adjournment: The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. and will continue with the Organizational Meeting to appoint the five directors elected.


The Annual Meeting of Villa Portofino West Association was held on Thursday, December 2, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

1.      Call to Order: The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. via Zoom and was conducted by the Association's Attorney, Paul Arcia. The meeting was recorded.

2.      Proof of Notice of Meeting: The association's Attorney verified that the notice was sent by mail to all homeowners.

1.      Establishment of a Quorum of Directors: a quorum was established. All Directors were present:

1. Luis Caballero -Director

2. Cathy Diaz - Director

3. Valerie Isaac - Director

4. Yasel Perez Carvajal - Director

5. Consuelo Cisneros — Association Manager

6. Flora Soteldo - Bookkeeper

Election of the Board Directors: Seven (7) candidates were nominated from the floor. Five (5) positions.

The nominated candidates were:

1.    Luis Caballero

2.    Cathy Diaz

3.    Valerie Isaac

4.    Raciel Denis Perez

5.    Laura Sotomayor

6.    Miguel Tello

7.    Charles Stuart

A total of 61 proxies were counted and all of them were valid.

After the count of proxies, we continued to allow all the homeowners present to vote. The final total count was as follows:

1.    Valerie Isaac — 64

2.    Luis Caballero — 64

3.    Cathy Diaz — 64

4.    Laura Sotomayor — 64

5.    Raciel Denis Perez — 64

6.    Charles Valcarce-Stuart — 3

Adjournment: The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. and will continue with the Organizational Meeting to appoint the five directors elected.


Meeting followed by Annual Meeting at 7:32 p.m.

There is a total of five (5) directors elected for Board members:

1.    Valeri Isaac

2.    Luis Caballero

3.    Raciel Denis Perez

4.    Laura Sotomayor

5.    Cathy Diaz

The five (5) members will vote to appoint the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Director.

Motion made by Luis Caballero to appoint Valerie Isaac as the President, motion seconded by Laura Sotomayor and unanimously approved.

Motion made by Valerie Isaac to appoint Luis Caballero as the Vice-President, motion seconded by Raciel Denis Perez and unanimously approved.

Motion made by Valerie Isaac to appoint Raciel Denis Perez as the Treasurer, motion seconded by Luis Caballero and unanimously approved.

Motion made by Valerie Isaac to appoint Laura Sotomayor as the Secretary, motion seconded by Luis Caballero and unanimously approved.

The new Board members are as follows:

1.    Valerie Isaac — President

2.    Luis Caballero — Vice-President

3.    Raciel Denis Perez — Treasurer

4.    Laura Sotomayor — Secretary

5.    Cathy Diaz - Director

Adjournment: The Organizational Meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.